Fa Cai New Year Blend

Mandarins, Berries, Chocolate Mousse


Size: 250g
10 in stock

Current Composition: Ethiopia Suke Quto, Ethiopia Negele Gorbitu

We Taste: Mandarins, Berries, Chocolate Mousse

Recommended Recipe: Dry Coffee Weight: 20g / Beverage Weight: 40g / 30 seconds

This year's Fa Cai New Year Blend comprises of 2 delicious Ethiopians, a natural processed Suke Quto and anaerobic-natural Negele Gorbitu. We're tasting citrus, berries, and a lovely chocolate finish. 

新年快樂! 恭喜發財! Huat ah!
Pro Tip

This coffee is roasted for espresso, and is recommended for use with coffee machines. Enjoy it on its own, or with milk to taste!